Basic salary will be this much after passing UPSC NDA, see the complete structure

UPSC NDA salary structure 2023: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) had released the final result of UPSC NDA on 27 October 2023. In which 628 candidates have made their place in the final list. Let us tell you, recruitment in the Indian Army, Navy and Air Force is done through NDA exam. 12th pass students can apply for this exam. In which written examination and SSB interview is conducted. This examination is conducted twice a year (April and September).

Direct link to check UPSC NDA Final Result 2023

Let us know which posts the candidates get after this examination and what is the salary structure.

Candidates applying for NDA exam to join Indian Army, Navy and Air Force through National Defense Academy and Naval Academy (NDA NA) exam are given a good salary and good allowance. Let us tell you, under the 10th Pay Commission, NDA is given a good salary, the salary keeps increasing after promotion.

The candidates who have been selected undergo training. After which they are sent to their respective wing academies. Let us tell you, during training, candidates joining NDA are given Rs 56,100 every month.

Then after completion of the course, the candidates joining NDA are appointed to the post of Lieutenant. After which their initial salary under Level 10 will be from Rs 56,100 to Rs 1,77,500. After this, as the promotion happens, the salary will also increase. You can know in detail from the table below.

Facilities and allowances to NDA officers

Flying Allowance- Army Aviators (Pilots) in the Army Aviation Corps are entitled to a flying allowance of Rs 25,000 per month.

Dearness Allowance- These are changed from time to time.

mercury allowance- Rs 10,500 per month

Para Jump Instructor Allowance- Rs 10,500 per month

Project Allowance- Rs 3,400 per month

Special Force Allowance –Rs 25,000 per month

Technical Allowance (Tier I)- 3,000 per month

Technical Allowance (Tier II)- Rs 4,500 per month

Children Education Allowance- 2,250 per month

Hostel Subsidy- 6,750 per month