BPSC Result: Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has released the result of 68th Combined Examination. A total of 867 candidates were successful in the main examination. After this, BPSC interviewed those candidates between January 8 and 15. A total of 817 candidates appeared in it, out of which the results of five candidates were cancelled. The remaining 812 candidates have been declared successful and the merit list has been released according to their marks. Priyangi Mehta has topped this examination.
Candidates can check the result on the Commission’s website bpsc.bih.nic.in. The list of successful candidates has been released on the website. Candidates can check their roll number in the list. BPSC had conducted the 68th Main Examination on 12, 17 and 18 May 2023. The examination was held at many centers in Patna. This examination was taken for 324 posts.