BSEB Bihar Board 10th exam admit card: Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has released the datesheet of Matriculation (Class 10) file exam, 2023 on Monday i.e. today. Class 10th examination will be conducted from 15 to 22 February.
Students who are going to appear in the class 10th examination next year, let us tell you that the mother tongue paper will be conducted on the first day of the class 10th board examination.
The exams will be conducted in two shifts – the first shift is from 9:30 am to 12:45 pm, and the second shift is from 2 pm to 5:15 pm.
The exam datesheet has been released. Now students are eagerly waiting for the admit card for class 10th exam. Let us tell the students, admit cards for 10th board exam will be issued on 8 January 2024. For admit card, students have to contact their respective schools. The admit card of any student will not be sent through post.
See here the complete datesheet of class 10th board exam
Exam Date Shift 1 Shift 2
15th February: Shift 1: Mother tongue, Shift 2: Mother tongue
16 February: Shift 1: Mathematics Shift 2: Mathematics
17 February: Shift 1: Other Indian Languages (111), Shift 2: Other Indian Languages
19 February: Shift 1: Social Science, Shift 2: Social Science
20 February: Shift 1: Science Shift 2: Science
21 February: Shift 1: English, Shift 2: English
22 February: Shift 1: Elective, Shift 2: Elective
23 February: Shift 1: Elective, Shift 2: Elective
Let us tell you, for visually impaired students, the papers of Music instead of Science and Home Science instead of Mathematics will be conducted in the same shift.
To see the complete datesheet of class 10th, see the PDF file here