CAT 2023 Answer Key: See direct link of answer key, follow these steps to download

CAT 2023 Answer Key: The Common Admission Test i.e. CAT 2023 examination has been successfully conducted today by the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Lucknow. The examination was conducted online in three sessions. Now after the completion of the examination, candidates are waiting for the provisional answer key.

Let us tell the students who have appeared in the examination, the provisional answer key of CAT 2023 will be uploaded on the official website – by the first week of December. There was no information from IIM regarding the date related to the answer key. As soon as the answer key is released, the link will be activated on the official website.

The answer key is released to help the students who have appeared in the CAT exam. Through which they are helped in calculating the marks in the examination. Let us tell you, after the release of the answer key, students will also be allowed to register objections. Application fees will also have to be paid for each question. More information related to the answer key will be given only after the release of the answer key on the official website.

– CAT 2023 Answer Key Direct Link (The link will be active after the release of the answer key)

Students who appeared in the examination can download the official answer key using their CAT login ID and password. To download CAT Answer Key or Response Sheet 2023, students can follow the steps given below.

CAT 2023 Answer Key: This is how you can download the answer key

Step 1- First of all you have to go to the official website

Step 2- Now on the home page ‘CAT 2023 provisional Answer Key’ You have to click on the link.

Step 3- Now you have to enter CAT login ID and password.

Step 4- After some time, CAT 2023 provisional answer key will be in front of you.

Step 5- Now you can file objection against the answer key.