Class 11th-12th studies and preparation for UPSC NDA, know how to balance, read tips

UPSC NDA Exam 2024: To appear in the National Defense Academy i.e. UPSC NDA examination to be conducted for recruitment in the Indian Army, students must have passed class 12th, while for recruitment in the Indian Navy and Air Force, students must have passed Physics in 12th. And it is important to have maths. Let us know when to start preparing for UPSC NDA and how to manage time with school life.

Let us tell you, NDA written exam has 900 marks, whereas SSB interview has equal weightage of 900 marks. Therefore, it is important for a candidate to have adequate time for preparation.

Let us know in detail, how to maintain a balance between 11th and 12th class studies and NDA preparation.

On achieving the balance, veteran Founder-Director of Centurion Defense Academy, Shishir Dixit, said, candidates should read newspapers and keep an eye on every important news related to the country. Along with this, priority should also be given to staying updated on global events. It is advisable to maintain a disciplined routine along with minimizing the use of mobile phones during NDA preparation and focus on having a healthy breakfast, reading manuals and attending offline classes.

– Students are advised to take out 3 to 4 hours after school to prepare for NDA, which includes attempting subjects beyond Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics like English, GAT and previous years’ question papers. Apart from this, students are advised to set aside one hour daily for physical activities and games.

– It is important to understand the difficulty level of NDA exam. Therefore, students are advised to know the syllabus thoroughly and only then start preparation. Starting preparation without reading the syllabus will be a waste of time.

– Students are advised to make a short note while solving the questions of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, so that it can be useful for last minute preparation. These notes can be useful for students during board exams and also for UPSC NDA preparation.