Important Things To Consider Before Changing Jobs

It’s true that sometimes the grass is greener on the other side. Sometimes it’s simply the same old thing which is why it’s important to consider a few things before changing jobs.

Therefore, how can you determine in advance if a job offer is really worthwhile before taking it and leaving your present position for a new one?

When changing jobs, there will always be some risk involved, but by taking a few important things into account, you may make a better-informed decision.

When looking for a job that fulfills both your short- and long-term objectives, there are many key things to take into account, whether you’re starting the interview process for a new job or are just starting to research potential companies.

Considering the influence of a job change on your livelihood, work-life balance, and personal interactions makes it a very personal choice.

Be aware that this is not a comprehensive list of all the factors you may need to think about, but it is an excellent place to start when contemplating changing jobs.


First, let’s address the most apparent factor to think about: money. Your income from work allows you to maintain your way of life. The amount of money you get in your paycheck each payday is probably going to change if you switch jobs or firms.

Therefore, review your finances before taking any quick action. To get a sense of your present financial situation, carefully examine your monthly spending and income.

Next, investigate the expected salary ranges for the positions you are considering applying for. Are they meeting your needs? If that’s the case, figure out what you anticipate to be paid so that you’re ready to answer in an interview.

Health Insurance

Jonathan Rosenfeld, a lawyer and owner at  Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers says: “You should think about your possibilities and the cost of health insurance in conjunction with compensation.

Since not all health insurance plans are made equal, if you need to provide for a spouse or family, you’ll need to consider what sort of coverage you need to support them as well as yourself.

Consider the cost of different health insurance plans, such as copay or high deductible plans and HSA contributions, when calculating how much you are paid at a job.

Businesses often pay a portion of the costs, so be careful to enquire about their coverage possibilities if you’re thinking about looking at alternative options.”

Are you planning for the long run?

Making the choice to change occupations will have an impact on a lot of other aspects of your life.

You could be moving away from close friends or uprooting your family. You may need to acclimatize to a new way of life as well as a new corporate culture.

If years hence, you can see yourself as content and motivated at work, then maybe all of that will have been worth the sacrifice.

Just be careful not to allow the excitement of a possible new job to distort your judgment.

Keep in mind that every employment has advantages and disadvantages, so switching employers or positions may not always be a suitable match.

Considering retirement planning is another aspect of long-term thinking. At your new employment, what alternatives would you have? You need to ask a potential employer about their retirement benefits a few key questions.

Do you know exactly what you want?

Joshua Martin, marketing manager at Buyyourdirt shares: “There will be many voices from all sides influencing your choice while you’re considering changing jobs.

People in your life, including family and friends, will advise you on what to do. While there may be some value in these viewpoints, your career is much more important to you than other people’s thoughts.

Your confidence in your abilities and your awareness of your areas for growth will help you choose the best course of action.”

The interval between job changes

It’s important to consider the time you lose from work while switching between jobs. Is your new work starting in a few days or will it take many weeks or longer?

If you have more time, are you taking a vacation to relax and recharge? In order to adjust your lifestyle, it’s a good idea to take into account the length of your unemployment and your income.

Your commute

Harrison Tang, CEO of Spokeo recommends considering your daily commute.

He shares: “What is the location of your new position and company? Can you now get up forty minutes early and walk in, or will your trip take an additional thirty minutes and include many tollways?

Think about how you’ll go to work every day if you can carpool, and any potential expenses.

Try a practice run to determine the most effective approach if you have some time off before starting your new position.”

Your contentment and health

Marie Littlewood, founder of NSI recommends the following: “It is a good moment to consider what you can do to ensure your happiness and well-being while you take on this new job.

If your new job requires you to relocate or modify your routine, do you need to discover new locations to work out, get a nutritious lunch, or go grocery shopping? Can you join a new sports or social club?

Do you have access to any business benefits that you can start using, like a wellness program or cheap gym membership?

As you become used to your new role, do you need any additional assistance with family responsibilities? When you’re in that hectic first week, it might be very beneficial to consider the fundamentals of your weekly schedule and wellness now.”

Contributions to retirement plan

Verify the vesting timeline of your new employment carefully if your company is presently providing matching 401(k) contributions. The rate at which you will receive 100% of the employer contributions is specified in the vesting schedule.

A graded vesting schedule is used by many businesses, meaning that you will get a portion of the company contributions each year.

You will get 20% of your company’s contributions annually, for instance, if their vesting schedule is set for five years. You will get all of the contributions after five years of employment.

Some use a cliff vesting plan that requires payment in whole or in part. To get 100% of the employer’s payments, you must work there for a certain amount of years.

You won’t be qualified for any of it if you work less than that. It is crucial to comprehend the vesting schedule if you do not want to remain at your next work for an extended period of time.