There has been bumper placement in NIT Jamshedpur this year also. Six students of the institute have been locked in an annual package of Rs 83 lakh each. All these six students have been locked by Australia’s multinational IT company Atlassian. Out of these six students who have received the best package till date in placement, three are from Computer Science branch and the remaining three are Electrical Engineering students. The placement of all these six students has been completed. Now he has to join the company.
He made a record
The six students who have received an annual package of Rs 83 lakh each include Adarsh Kashyap, Tanya Singh and Arpit Kumar of Computer Science branch and Shubham Kumar, Apoorva Singh and Rahul Pandey of Electrical Engineering branch. The process of placement of students for session 2023-24 is still going on in the institute. This process is likely to be completed by January. On Thursday, NIT Director Prof. Professor AK Chaudhary, Gautam Sutradhar and in-charge of placement cell, said that this time NIT Jamshedpur has set a new record in the matter of placement. This is the first time that 6-6 students of the institute have together got the highest package of Rs 83-83 lakhs. Pro. Choudhary said that when the placement process will be completed by the end of January 2024, then the data of the average package of the students will be available. At present many companies are completing the final placement process.
IIT: Google gives huge package to 13 BTech students, great salary offer to CSE branch
919 job offers to 663 B.Tech students
According to the data so far, 98.97 percent of B.Tech students have been placed in NIT Jamshedpur. The batch of 663 B.Tech students have received 919 job offers in the institute. Similarly, placement of 64.43 students of post graduate batch has also been done. Similarly, 91.49 percent of MCA students have been placed. At the same time, 65.26 percent students of other batches of B.Tech have got internship placement, while 56.13 percent students have got internship placement. Last year also the highest package of the institute was Rs. 83 lakhs, but that year only one student got this highest package. This time six students have received this package.
Director of NIT Jamshedpur, Prof. Gautam Sutradhar said, ‘It is a big achievement for six students of NIT Jamshedpur to get a package of Rs 83 lakh each. It will be a future challenge for us that we can provide better placements to the students next year.