Registration for classes 6 to 9 in Delhi government schools will start from tomorrow, see notice

Directorate of Education (DoE), Delhi has announced the schedule for non-plan admissions in classes 6 to 9 for the academic session 2024-25. The registration process is going to start from 8th April i.e. tomorrow. Parents whose children want to take admission will have to register themselves on the official website

See the official notice related to admission here- Click

The schedule of Delhi School Non Plan Admission 2024 is as follows.

Cycle-I: 8th April to 17th April
Cycle-II: 15 May to 15 June
Cycle-III: 7th July to 31st July

Display of schools allotted to registered applicants

Cycle 1: April 29
Cycle 2: June 27
Cycle 3: August 12

For admission in allotted schools, documents will have to be submitted and verification done on these dates.

Cycle 1: April 30 to May 10
Cycle 2: June 28 to July 6
Cycle 3: August 13 to August 31

advice for parents

Parents of children seeking admission in government schools are advised to enter the details of their children online as per the given programme. The link for online registration form will be visible on the department’s website For this, parents will have to go to the home page of the official website and click on the link “Govt. School Admissions”.

For which students can register?

For admission to Class 6, online registration will be done for students who have passed Class 5, while children who are not going to school can register physically in any school near them.

Parents of children who have not gone to school and are in the age group of 10-12 years can register for admission for their children in any nearby school. Let us tell you, only children of parents living in Delhi are eligible to apply under non-plan admission.

Applicants will have to fill the details given below while filling the online registration form.

– Personal information like name, father’s name, mother’s name,

– Home address and previous school details (if asked).

– Child’s Aadhar Number/UID

– Child’s bank account number along with the name of the bank branch and its IFSC number

– Date of birth of the child.

– Parents’ mobile number