SBI CBO 2024: Exam will be held after two days, know what should be the dress code and what things should be kept in mind

SBI CBO Exam 2024: State Bank of India (SBI) will conduct the examination for the post of Circle Based Officer (CBO) on 21 January 2024. The candidates who are going to appear in this examination should know about some important things related to the examination, so that they do not have to face any kind of problem on the day of examination.

– First of all, candidates are advised to reach the examination center at least 1 hour before the commencement of the examination.

Let the candidates know that they cannot come out of the examination center before the end of the examination. At the same time, people will not be allowed to come inside the center after the gate closing time.

– You will not be allowed to enter the examination center without admit card.

Candidates are advised to first check their class when they reach the examination center and then sit on the seat allotted to them. Read the instructions written in the question paper carefully before the start of the examination.

– No personal items like electronic gadgets, food, books or mobile phones are allowed in the examination hall. If they find any of these items in the examination hall, it will lead to rejection of their candidature.

– If the candidate is wearing a cap or heavy buttoned clothes on the day of examination, he/she will not be allowed to enter the examination centre. Candidates are advised to wear loose fitting clothes.

– On the day of examination, candidates should not forget to carry the date of birth certificate and Aadhar card along with the admit card.

There will be recruitment on so many posts in SBI

There will be recruitment on a total of 5280 posts of CBO in SBI. 787 posts of SC, 388 of ST, 1421 of OBC, 527 of EWS are reserved. The unreserved posts are 2157. The process of application for these posts started from 22 November 2023 and continued till 12 December 2023.

You can download admit card from here

State Bank of India has released SBI CBO Admit Card 2023. Candidates who will appear for the online examination for the post of Circle Based Officer (CBO) can download the admit card through the official website of SBI,

SBI CBO Admit Card 2023- Direct Link

The exam pattern will be like this

First of all, let us tell you that the examination will be conducted through online medium. In which there will be two sections. Objective and descriptive. In the objective section, 120 multiple choice questions (MCQs) will be asked in both Hindi and English. The exam time will be of two hours. Questions from English, Banking, General Awareness, Computer Aptitude will be asked in the examination.

In the descriptive section, the exam will be of 30 minutes. In which test of English writing (letter writing and essay) will be taken. This section will be of 50 marks.

Candidates who qualify the online examination will be shortlisted for online application and documents screening round. After which the interview round will be conducted. This round will be of 50 marks. To prepare the final list, the marks obtained in the interview, objective test and descriptive test will be added. In which test and interview will be given weightage of 75:25.