MBBS Admission Fraud: A case of fraud of Rs 16 lakh has come to light in the name of getting a girl student admitted in MBBS. The student’s father, Rajnikant Pandey, resident of Neemsarai Mundera, has lodged an FIR against Sarvesh Shukla, Preeti Mishra, Aarti, Sameer and Ashok Kumar at Puramufti police station. Rajinikanth told the police that his daughter was preparing for medical. For admission in MBBS, a woman named Preeti Mishra called her daughter and told that her organization S Group Education is located in Lucknow. This institution provides admission in Ramakrishna Institute of Medical Science and Sanaka Hospital Durgapur, West Bengal. On Preeti’s request, Rajinikanth reached Lucknow with the documents for his daughter’s admission. There Ashok Kumar, Preeti, Aarti, Sameer, Sarvesh Shukla and others saw the documents and asked to deposit the fees. For the admission of his daughter, Rs 2 lakh through RTGS and Rs 7 lakh 14 thousand through cheque, were deposited in his account. Apart from this, seven lakh rupees were deposited in the name of the college. A total of Rs 16 lakh 14 thousand was deposited. After this he was sent to West Bengal for admission. When the student reached there, she came to know from the college that the institution was fake. There is no admission there from any institution. Rajinikanth and his daughter became victims of fraud and got upset.
Preeti Mishra cheated 28 lakhs from advocate
Before Rajinikanth, Additional Government Advocate Rajesh Tripathi was a victim of fraud of Rs 28 lakh in the name of admission of his daughter in MBBS. He has lodged an FIR. The advocate, resident of Allapur, told the police that his son Kartikeya could not find a college in the first two rounds of counseling due to his low marks in NEET. During this time, a woman named Preeti Mishra contacted him on the pretext of getting him admission in the medical college and called him to the office located in Gomti Khand, Lucknow. Rs 28 lakh were embezzled in the name of admission. Started threatening when asked for money. A woman named Preeti is involved in both the cases.