India’s Defense Minister, Rajnath Singh, and Uttar Pradesh’s Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath, inaugurated the country’s first girls’ Sainik School in Vrindavan on January 1. The name of this school is Samvid Gurukulam Senior Secondary School. It is inaugurated as part of the initiative to establish 100 new Sainik Schools in partnership with NGOs/Private/State Government schools in all States and Union Territories. Girls students who want to take admission in this school. Let us know about the entire process of admission.
First of all, Samvid Gurukulam Girls Sainik School is located in Vatsalya Gram campus. In which for admission in class sixth, examination will have to be given at all India level. There are 120 seats in this school. In this school, students will be taught CBSE syllabus along with military training. Admission in this school will be done on the basis of written examination and e-counselling. Let us know about this in detail.
Admission has started in Samvid Gurukulam Girls Sainik School. Those girl students who want to take admission can take it. Let us tell you, girl students can take admission in PG and nursery class, class 1, class 6, class 9th and class 11th.
Whereas in Girls Sainik School, both boys and girls will be given admission as day boarder or residential students till class 5th. Whereas, girls from class 6th to 11th will get admission as residential students. Boys will not be allowed admission beyond class 6.
These documents will be required for admission
To take admission in class 6, the age of the student should be between 10 to 12 years. Along with this, the documents which are required to be submitted for taking admission are as follows.
– Date of Birth Certificate
– Aadhaar card of parents and child
– Passport size color photograph (must be at least 2 photographs)
– Transfer certificate from previous school
Those parents of children who want to get their daughters admitted in Sainik School can submit all these documents on the official website of Samvid Gurukul Girls Sainik School –
To get admission in Sainik School, girl students will have to appear in the entrance examination. Which will be conducted in English language. It is mandatory to pass it. Questions in Sainik School Entrance Exam will be related to Language, Mathematics, Reasoning, Science and General Knowledge subjects. After passing the written examination, girl students will have to pass physical and medical examination. After which there will be a personal interview of the child and parents. Whereas in Sainik School, special attention will be given to educational development, communication skills and social skills. Please note that written examination will not be conducted for PG and nursery classes.