The evaluation of answer sheets of UP Board High School and Intermediate examinations has started from Saturday. The evaluation was conducted at five centers under the supervision of static magistrate and CCTV cameras. About five lakh answer sheets are to be checked in Lucknow. 31 thousand copies were evaluated on the first day. However, more than 500 examiners remained missing on the first day. Let us tell you that on the first day in the entire state, out of total 3,01,17,723 answer sheets, only 9,54,994 answer sheets were evaluated.
Five centers including Government Jubilee Inter College, Government Nishatganj Inter College, Government School Gomti Nagar, Government School Vikas and Government Inter College Hussainabad have been created in Lucknow for evaluation of answer sheets of UP Board. On the first day, 31 thousand copies were examined and 1654 examiners were present. At many centers the examiners reached quite late. District School Inspector Rakesh Kumar Pandey inspected two evaluation centers, Government Jubilee Inter College and Hussainabad Inter College.
No one is allowed to carry a mobile phone at the evaluation centre, a mobile phone was found with an examiner in Hussainabad Inter College. Regarding which the examiner DIOS gave a strict warning. The examiner clarified that the mobiles were not being used and were just kept with them. Rakesh Kumar Pandey said that salaries of all absent teachers will be stopped.
Besides, instructions were given to strictly follow the order of not carrying mobile phones in the evaluation centre. On the first day, the headmaster gave information about checking sample copies and taking other precautions at all the examination centres, after which the evaluation work started.
Let us tell you, Uttar Pradesh Board of Secondary Education had abolished the UPMSP Class 10th High School and UPMSP Class 12th Intermediate examinations on March 09, 2024. According to media reports, the results are likely to be declared in the first week of April. That means results can be released between April 1 and April 7. The result of class 10th and class 12th board exam will be released on the official website
This year, 94,802 examiners have been appointed to evaluate 1.76 crore answer sheets of class 10th exam and 52,295 examiners have been appointed to check 1.25 crore answer sheets of class 12th. In such a situation, the number of answer sheets is 3.01 crore and the number of examiners is 1,47,097.