UP Police Constable Exam Result 2024: UP Police Recruitment exam completed, know what is the answer key and time of release of result

UP Police Constable Exam Result 2024: The UP Police Constable 2024 examination conducted by Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPBPB) in two shifts on 17 and 18 February, was conducted peacefully. The examination has been conducted for 60244 posts. Now the candidates who appeared in the examination are eagerly waiting for the result and answer key. After the release of the result, you can go to the official website uppbpb.gov.in.

Although UPPBPB has not yet announced the date related to the result and answer key, but it is expected that the result may be released in the first week of March and the provisional answer key is expected to be released by the end of February. Let us tell you, the examination has been conducted on 17th and 18th February in a total of 4 shifts at 2385 examination centers in all 75 districts of the state.

Provisional answer key will be released before the UP Police Recruitment result. On which candidates will be able to register objections. The objections lodged will be reviewed. Then the final answer key will be released. Candidates are advised, after the release of the answer key, the link will be made available on the official website. Let us tell you, the result will be prepared on the basis of final answer key only. Candidates should not rely on any other website for the result, because the only source to get the constable result is the official website uppbpb.gov.in. UP Police Constable Recruitment Result 2024 Name-Wise will be provided only on this website.

UP Police Constable Exam Result 2024: Check with the help of these steps

Step 1- Visit the official website of Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPBPB) uppbpb.gov.in.

Step 2- Go to “Results” link on the home page and click on “UP Police Constable Exam Result 2024” link.

Step 4- You will have to fill your roll number, registration number and the requested information.

Step 5- After entering the required information, you have to submit all your details and your result will appear on your screen.

Step 6- After downloading the result, do not forget to take a printout of it.

Let us tell you, the district administration was seen running throughout the day to conduct the UP Police recruitment examination in a transparent and peaceful manner. Transparency was maintained by keeping an eye on the smallest things. There was a complete ban on carrying unnecessary items to the examination centres. At most of the examination centers set up in the state, the bangles, earrings, watches worn by the girls and the bracelets, kadas, belts etc worn by the boys were removed and they were allowed to go to the examination centre.